The Hidden Costs of Ignoring Tree Care

Trees provide some of the most beautiful scenery you can ask for in a home, but if your yard contains one or more trees it’s important to maintain them throughout the year. While it is easy to think trees are natural and can thus be left to themselves if you are neglecting to maintain your trees it can cost you greatly. Here are three reasons you should always ensure that you are properly caring for the trees on your property.

Fall Damage

The most readily apparent financial risk of leaving your tree unchecked is the risk of damage as a result of the tree or limbs falling. In addition to the intense damage that can occur when a tree falls on your home, there is also a risk that dead limbs can fall and hit a person or animal underneath the tree, or cause property damage.

Legal Problems

You don’t only have to worry about property damage to your own possessions, but others’ as well. From a guest at your property who is injured by a falling limb to damage to a neighbor’s property when your tree falls or loses branches if your trees cause harm to others it is possible that you will be found legally responsible.

Home Value

The costs of falling limbs and trees are not the only ways that poorly maintained trees can cost you money. If you’re thinking about listing your home for sale or for rental, then shaping up your trees and removing any dead and unsightly branches can help to improve your home’s value. Curb appeal goes a long way. By making your home more pleasant looking you can ask for a higher price on the market.

If your property contains one or more trees, it’s important to ensure that they are healthy and well-maintained. Get in touch with a tree service professional today to schedule a consultation about how tree care or tree removal can save you money.