Knowing The Importance of Winter Tree Care and Maintenance


Your trees need your attention even during the cold months. In fact, the harshness of the winter can take its toll on your trees if you don’t care for them properly. Cold temperatures and the extra weight of ice and snow make your trees more vulnerable and susceptible to damage. Companies that provide tree services recommend these things.



During winter it’s so much easier to see the branches and overall structure of your trees, which is why it is easier to prune them. Keep in mind though that you should only remove deadwood and ill-placed branches as everything more than that can harm your trees and they will have difficulty to recover during the cold months. Professionals usually preserve healthy branches and improve the appearance of the tree.



Mulch retains moisture and provides protection against the cold. If you didn’t already mulch during the fall, now is the time to do so. Experts who specialize in tree services recommend this because trees need to be protected from extreme temperatures.



The winter is also hard on small animals that try to find ways to stay warm and survive, which is why they gnaw and chew on trees. If this happens to your trees, they can take severe damage. In order to prevent animals from harming your trees, wrap their base into sturdy plastic or hard cloth as this discourages small animals from chewing on the bark of your trees. In addition to the mulch that was already added, this provides an extra layer of protection against the cold.



Your trees, and hereby especially your young trees, are very vulnerable during winter. When the soil is cool but not completely frozen, add water to your trees to help them stay hydrated.


Tree services during the cold months are very important. If your trees are taken care of during the cold months, they will look even more beautiful and gracious come the next spring. Don’t neglect your trees, as just like on you, the winter can be harsh on them, too.